Gut Flux Pro AutoShip Plan

Save Up To 61% With Subscriptions & Multiples

1 Bottle Monthly

30 Servings
List Price: $69
AutoShip Price: $39/month
+ FREE Shipping

2 Bottles Monthly

60 Servings
List Price: $138
AutoShip Price: $59/month
+ FREE Shipping

3 Bottles Monthly

90 Servings
List Price: $207
AutoShip Price: $79/month
+ FREE Shipping

1 Bottle Monthly

30 Servings
List Price: $69
AutoShip Price: $39/month
+ FREE Shipping

2 Bottles Monthly

60 Servings
List Price: $138
AutoShip Price: $59/month
+ FREE Shipping

3 Bottles Monthly

90 Servings
List Price: $207
AutoShip Price: $79/month
+ FREE Shipping

More & more customers are choosing AutoShip as their preferred ordering method. Here's why:

 LOCK IN SAVINGS: AutoShip is the ONLY way you can lock in savings of at least 47% and never pay full price again*
 NEVER RUN OUT: You can count on your order to recur every 30 days, predictably. Cancel anytime.
 FREE SHIPPING: Pay only for your product each month. The shipping is on us.
 FRIENDLY REMINDERS: Enjoy courtesy reminders a few days prior to billing or processing your shipment.
 PRICES GUARANTEED: Now you can enjoy low prices without waiting for coupons or sales, and without worrying about inventory-driven price increases*
 SIMPLE ORDERING: AutoShip is the easiest way to stock up. We'll take care of getting your order ready & sent out each month.

Why Do Our Customer's Love AutoShip?

1. Subscribe once and that's it. No more ordering and no more running out right when you need it the most.

2. No shipping fees or other hidden fees or terms. The price you see what you pay.

3. Easy to stop. You can cancel anytime by phone or by email.

4. Rest assured knowing that you are never subject to future price increases, regardless of current supply & demand fluctuations.

5. Enjoy the full benefits of your order, knowing that you'll be receiving a refill supply each month.

6. Receive a specialized email a few days prior to your automatic shipment date, and again on the day it processes.

7. Order risk free with our money-back guarantee for your most recent AutoShip order for any single 30 day supply excluding return shipping & handling.

8. Top support. You'll get a personal email communication if your order cannot process for some reason, including an expired credit card.

AutoShip FAQs

Q. What Is AutoShip?
AutoShip is our solution to loyal customers for risk free, no-hassle refill ordering. We value you as a customer and your loyalty, and would like to reward that with discounts of up to and over 50%. When you sign up for this AutoShip program, Total Revi will process your payment and ship your order to you at no extra charge.

You can cancel or suspend your subscription at any time by phone or by email. Any changes in future orders can be made up to 24 hours before the next scheduled shipment date.
Q. How Does AutoShip Work?
It couldn't be easier! (...or cheaper...!) When you place your order and sign up for an eligible AutoShip product, we will process payment and ship out your package. Then after 30 days have passed, we will process the next payment at the same price (again, with no hidden fees or shipment charges) with an email reminder a few days prior. You will then receive a last email communication that your order has been processed and will be out for shipment to arrive at your door soon.

And all you need to do is take delivery.
Q. What Happens Once I Purchase An AutoShip Product?
After you enter your credit card info and click "Submit" we will send you a confirmation email confirming the purchase and your entry into AutoShip. This email will include all necessary info pertaining to your order as well as customer support contact information. We will then work to ship your order!

Your next communication will be a friendly reminder email informing you of the upcoming charge, and then at the 30-day mark we will process the next refill and ship out your package. That's all there is! You can call or email anytime to pause or cancel.
Q. Can I Update My Shipping or Card Information?
Absolutely! Just give shoot us an email with the new address (or call us to update the card info) and we'll update our records, ensuring that you never miss a refill.
Q. Are There Any Other Hidden Fees or Small Print?
No way! The price you see is the price you pay and nothing more. We are well-aware of other fraudulent companies who automatically sign up customers for expensive, monthly subscriptions that cannot be refunded and are a hassle to cancel. We will NEVER do this!

We only offer AutoShip to our preferred customers - YOU! And only if you sign up on your own free will. Additionally, we've made it unbelievably easy to cancel. Just call or email us and that's all there is to it!
Still have questions? Don't hesitate to send us an email at anytime.

*Savings vary depending on product selected.
*Coupons & other discounts cannot be applied to the AutoShip option.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Results may vary. The information presented on this website is not intended as specific medical advice and is not a substitute for professional treatment or diagnosis. Disclaimer: Results may vary.